The Week End

Last week was a little crazy, not only was it busy at work, but after work as well... Seemed like there was always something going on.

Tuesday my sisters sewage pipe burst and cause quite a mess. So I went and helped her remove carpet. From there I went to my tuesday night game night and didn't get home till after 11pm.

Wednesday We had dinner with our friends Wren and Anthony at the same time Anthony and I racked our mead(Wine derived from honey) didn't get home till after 10pm.

Then Thursday I wen tback over to my sisters, Both hers and my mom's computer would not load up. Well my mom's I was able to fix by restarting the system with the last know good configuration. My sisters on the other hand had gotten a Trojan and mucked up the system, fortunately it wasn't too serious and I was able to successfully remove it from the system

Friday Kristen and I decided to rent videos and go shopping for some stuff, got home around 10 and stayed up until about 2ish

Saturday... Ohh Saturday... Started out quiet enough, but then I decided to get my haircut, do some grocery shopping. I went back to Wren and Anthony's to bottle up our mead. It made about 18 bottles plus some smaller test bottles. And so far it tastes pretty great. Although it tasted better towards the bottom... So I think from now on we rack the mead one more time before we bottle and it will be perfect.

After that we went walking around town lake with a friend of ours Lori, It was fun catching up since I have not seen her in over 5 months. We got back about 9 and watched the movie Enchanted, which I thought was a great movie.

Sunday was quiet and a beautiful day out. Kristen and I went for two walks and watched another movie "Hit Man" which is based on a video game. It was less then what I expected but still an okay movie.

Back to work


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